Watch the Inaugural IKE Session Videos Online

December 11, 2015

Multimedia, WEF Resources & Efforts

Interactive Knowledge Exchange (IKE) session attendees watch one of the 28 educational videos shown during the session. Photo courtesy of Oscar & Associates.

Interactive Knowledge Exchange (IKE) session attendees watch one of the 28 educational videos shown during the session. Photo courtesy of Oscar & Associates.

During WEFTEC® 2015, the Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.) introduced a new format for education: the Interactive Knowledge Exchange (IKE). On Sept. 29, technical session 339 showcased IKE with 28 videos shown in rotation on four screens. More than 120 attendees were able to watch videos of their choice, step to the center of the room for networking, and converse with the creators of the videos as they were shown.

Continue to take part in the learning experience by watching the 2015 IKE videos online.

IKE attendees were also able to network during the session. Photo courtesy of Oscar & Associates.

IKE attendees were also able to network during the session. Photo courtesy of Oscar & Associates.

For its inaugural year, six water sector volunteers formed the IKE Symposium to coordinate programming. Those volunteers were Tina Wolff, of ARCADIS (Highlands Ranch, Colo.); Steven Tilson from Tilson & Associates LLC (Torrington, Conn.); Sue Lior from Lior Solutions (Philadelphia); Corinne Duckworth from Carollo Engineers (Walnut Creek, Calif.); Jennifer Welsch from Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District; and Kristen Buell from ARCADIS.

The IKE Symposium group chose six winning videos, and session attendees provided two “people’s choice” winners. WEF members can learn more about the winning videos in the archived IKE webcast. The winners are

        • I Don’t Flush” in the overall category,

        • “Why Fine Grit Matters” in the vendor category,

        • “Tree for All: Community-Based Restoration for a Healthy Watershed” in the public outreach category,

        • “Dirty Jobs: Cranberry Style” in the operations category,

        • “How do VFD’s Reduce Energy Costs in Pumping Applications?” in the technical category,

        • “Water — What Is It Worth to You?” in the leading edge category,

        • “Gravelgirl Begins” in the student and young professional category, and

        • “Dirty Jobs: Cranberry Style” and “I Don’t Flush” in the people’s choice category.


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