WEF Emergency Planning Book Provides Real-World Case Studies to Model

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The Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.) has released Emergency Planning, Response, and Recovery. The book was developed to help utility managers develop emergency response plans to recover from such events as infrastructure failure, small-scale and large-scale natural disasters, and human-made incidents.

The case studies are the book’s most attractive feature, according to task force chair for the publication, Jim Newton.

“This book is unique because half of the book is devoted to case studies which cover a variety of man-made and natural emergencies, including the circumstances of the emergency and lessons learned from the case studies,” Newton said. In addition, the book covers basic planning issues; regulations that require emergency plans; details on how to recover from various emergencies; and information on how to plan for, respond to, and recover from disasters, he explained.

Jennifer Fulcher, WEF Highlights

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