Publication Presents a Vision for Water Resources Utility of the Future

March 14, 2013

WEF Resources & Efforts

Click to view the blueprint for action.

The Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.), Water Environment Research Foundation (Alexandria, Va.), and National Association of Clean Water Agencies (Washington, D.C.) released “The Water Resources Utility of the Future: A Blueprint for Action.” The document defines evolving environmental, economic, and social roles that clean water utilities are playing in their communities.

The document outlines the water resources utility of the future, explaining that it will transform the way traditional wastewater utilities view themselves and manage their operations. It explores how traditional publicly owned treatment works have mastered their core wastewater treatment function and now are redefining themselves as resource recovery agencies and vital community enterprises. The document presents objectives and goals for the water community to adopt in an effort to achieve a new clean water paradigm.

“Today’s utilities are reclaiming and reusing water, extracting and finding commercial uses for nutrients and other products, becoming more efficient energy users and renewable energy producers, and using green infrastructure to manage stormwater and to improve the quality of life,” said Jeff Eger, WEF executive director. “They are essential to thriving, sustainable communities.”

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