WEF Announces 2014 Stormwater Video Competition Winners

StormTV 2014The Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.) has announced the winners of its 2014 StormTV Project competition. The project recognizes and promotes the work of stormwater professionals globally through videos that are submitted from nonprofit organizations, government entities, consulting firms, and equipment manufacturers.

“This was a great opportunity for me to see all the terrific watershed management activities occurring around the country,” said contest judge Neal Shapiro, a supervisor with the City of Santa Monica (Calif.) Office of Sustainability and the Environment. “The high-caliber of educational pieces for local dissemination was fantastic.”

Since 2012, WEF has collected more than 220 videos that have highlighted green infrastructure, manufactured-treatment devices, stream restoration, public education, and more. This year, 25 expert judges rated more than 100 submitted videos based on innovation, message communication, visual appeal and quality, content matter, and relevance.

“The videos will be a great addition to the stormwater industry library. They have great information and experiences that many cities and communities will benefit from,” said Laith Alfaqih, project manager with CH2M Hill (Englewood, Colo.) and one of the contest judges.

The judges selected winners in

  • the For-Profit Projects category, “Brainerd Rd Draft Part 2” by the City of Chattanooga, Tenn., Andropogon Associates (Philadelphia), Arcadis (Amsterdam, Netherlands), and the Chattanooga Metropolitan Airport; and


The awards were presented to winners and a screening of the winning videos was shown in the Stormwater Pavilion Theater during WEFTEC® 2014 in New Orleans.

To view all of the StormTV Project videos, see the StormTV Project playlist on WEF’s YouTube Channel, or a map of the 2014 submissions on Pinterest.

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