Ask Congress To Support Grants for Water Research

August 25, 2018

Laws & Regs

The National Priorities Water Research program has advanced water science through applied research projects. This provides direct benefits to water sector utilities through more robust knowledge, tools, and models that can improve public health and lower costs for municipalities.

While the U.S. Congress has supported the program during the past 5 years, continued funding is needed. The water sector originally asked Congress to increase funding for the program to $20 million, but two current funding levels are being discussed in Congress. The U.S. Senate version of the minibus appropriations measure, H.R. 6147, provides $5 million for the grant program. The U.S. House of Representatives bill offers $4.1 million, equivalent to fiscal year 2018 funding.

The WEF Advocates program urges those in the water sector to ask members of Congress to support the Senate-level appropriation of $5 million for the National Priorities Water Research Program in fiscal year 2019. The increase in funding would support approaches to research that could help the water sector respond to current and future challenges.

Learn more on the WEF Water Advocates website.

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