Water for People Video Thanks WEF

Photo courtesy of Water for People (Denver).

Photo courtesy of Water for People (Denver).

Water for People (Denver) has released a video acknowledging the role of the Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Va.) in supporting the organization’s water quality and sanitation projects.

“Thank you, Water Environment Federation, for supporting us in 2017, and we look forward to all that is to come in 2018,” said Eleanor Allen, CEO of Water for People, in the video.


Video courtesy of Water for People (Denver).

Water for People, WEF’s charity of choice, works in more than 500 communities worldwide to bring safe water and sanitation services to 4 million people, according to the organization’s website. WEF’s financial contributions have supported Water for People’s efforts to bring new technologies and educational programs to areas in which it works and increase the number of people with lasting access to safe water and adequate sanitation.

Read more about Allen and Water for People in the WEF Highlights article, “New CEO of Water For People Envisions Expanded Focus on Sanitation.”

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